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Due to our inclusive ethos at Woodcote Primary School, we are frequently recommended by external agencies, parents and other local schools, to support children with additional needs. Within performance data, all children are included therefore for clarity, the percentage of children with additional needs is included within the cohort information. This is separated into:

No SEND - Children with no identified specific additional needs 

SEND Support - Children who need additional support to access the curriculum

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP): A legal document that stays with the child until they're 25 and outlines the additional support needed. These are for children  who without this would not be able to access the full curriculum. The application for EHCP need external professionals to assess the depth of the need.

SEMH Hub: Children in the specialist Hub provision attached to Woodcote who are unable to access mainstream school fulltime. All children in Cherry Blossom House (our SEMH Hub) have an EHCP.


The following is an early summary of our results from the academic year 2023-2024


 Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)


Number of children: 13 children - each child represents 7.7% within the data. 

No SEND: 92.3%

SEND Support: 7.7%

EHCP: 0%

SEMH Hub: 0%

2023-2024 Data

61.5% achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) 

The average total points score in all GLD goals is 21.5 out of a possible 24


Phonics (Year 1)


Number of children: 19 children - each child represents 5.3% within the data. 

No SEND: 52.6%

SEND Support: 31.6%

EHCP: 15.8%

SEMH Hub: 0%

2023-2024 Data

52.6% achieved the expected standard 


Phonics (Year 2) for those children who didn't achieve the expected standard in Year 1


Number of children: 7 children - each child represents 14.3% within the data. 

No SEND: 57.1%

SEND Support: 42.9%

EHCP: 0%

SEMH Hub: 0%

2023-2024 Data

14.3% achieved the expected standard 


End of Key Stage 2 - Year 6 


Number of children: 28 children - each child represents 3.6% within the data. 

No SEND: 67.9%

SEND Support: 21.4%

EHCP: 10.7%

SEMH Hub: 10.7%

2023-2024 Data

A scaled score is included in Reading and Maths. Children receive an individual scaled score and the average for the cohort is included below. Scaled scores range from 80 to 120, with a scaled score of 100 representing the expected standard at the end of the key stage.


51.7% achieved the Expected Standard

20.7% achieved the High Standard

Reading Scaled Score: 104.1


37.9% achieved the Expected Standard

6.9% achieved Greater Depth


55.2% achieved the Expected Standard

10.3% achieved the High Standard

Maths Scaled Score: 101.5

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GPS)

62.1% achieved the Expected Standard

27.6% achieved the High Standard

Reading, Writing and Maths combined (RWM) 

 31% achieved the expected standard


To see how our data in 2023 compared with National, please click on the following link:

Year 6 Cohort 2023

Number of children: 34 children - each child represents 2.9% within the data. 

No SEND: 73.5%

SEND Support: 8.8%

EHCP: 17.6%

SEMH Hub: 5.9%

 Woodcote School Performance Data